Grow Your Blog Community
With Wix Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community. That’s why the Wix blog...
Secrets and Activation of the Great Pyramid of Giza
The moment I got into Cairo, Egypt I could feel the energy of the place as soon as I stepped foot outside the airport. When I got into...
Symptoms of Third Eye Opening in February 2018
Third Eye activation is prevalent since the month of February 2018. There has been a new wave of ascension energy and the energy pushes...
Age of Aquarius Had An Energetic Push On February 18 By Saint Germain
We have been hearing about the Age of Aquarius for years now, but when will we finally be in it? The Age of Aquarius started on December...
Jesus's Real Birthday
On June 29th, 2015 I sat in front of a group of people at my house after a Source Energy Transmission Session and told them that Jesus's...
The Benefits of Being in Higher Elevation
I am planning a retreat in the Catskill Mountains of New York and I have been pondering why the divine wants me to have a retreat in the...
Mary Magdalene The Movie
It was announced this week that the Mary Magdalene Movie will be released March 16th, 2018 with Rooney Mara playing Mary (Maria...
Last night in "delta waves" sleep which is right before REM sleep- the deepest form of sleep, I had many downloads given to me and one of...
Diamond Star Consciousness
I recently had an experience with ET beings, and I wanted to share my experience with you. Here are the photos I was referring to. This...
With Abdy Electriciteh on September 21st
I have been attending Abdy's sessions since 2010 - he is the main guy that has activated me into my gifts,now that's it's touching on 8...