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The Meaning of Children's Hierarchy in a Family and their Roles.

I received a special download from my higher-self on the children's hierarchy in a family unit and what each child brings to the family. First Child; Your first child is brought to you in your life to show you a reflection of yourself. This child may be the catalyst in the family. How you relate to your first child is how you relate to your true-self, a part of you that you never had a chance to express and/or have suppressed because of the outside world situation. Your first child is to show you something that is connected to both parents so deeply. This child is the spiritual catalyst, since this being really makes you look deep inside yourself. Second Child; Your second child is brought to you in your life to show you your strengths. This child may be the peace maker of the family. They energetically allow the family to flow in a healing direction. They are the healers of the family. They bring something up in you that you would never think to see through your child. Your second child sees every one in the family with clear honest eyes, and is willing to be the speaker for any of you. Third Child; Your third child is the "bonder" of the family. This child is born to connect you to your lineage, extended family, and direct family. How you relate to your third child is how you relate to your family. The deeper connection and understanding to your third child activates your DNA to bring up ancestral luck, gifts, and positive energy. When a family has three or more children is restarts the process, so your fourth child would have the qualities of the first child, your fifth would have the qualities of the second, and so on. Thank your children as they are your soul's spiritual teachers in so many ways.

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