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"When I close my eyes all I see is you. I see you are all around me. I know I am part of you."

About Val

-Valeria Tignini

Mother + Source Energy Worker + International Speaker of Consciousness

who has talents as an Information Architect, TV Persona, Designer, 

SAG Actress, Model, Artist, and Blogger.



Pre Awakening:

Valeria is an avid explorer of the world and an artist of multiple mediums. A descendant of the Royal Italian Family, the de’ Medici’s, a first generation Italian she was born on July 22, 1979, in Brooklyn. By the age of 21, Val worked as an information architect and model/actress for many kinds of companies. Val has collaborated with a multitude of brands ranging from high-line fashion companies, well-known charities, and wellness and holistic brands such as Swarovski Crystalized, Burberry, Cancer Schmancer, Charity Water, Trump International, and Waleda, just to name a few. Val has also starred in a docu-soap on TLC, called “Bama Belles” in 2010, and MTV RoadRules in 2001. She was featured in New York Magazine, Variety Magazine,,,, NY Post, FOX News, E! Online and TV Series, Fitness Magazine.  


Post Awakening:

Val had a moment of multidimensional experiences growing up with ETs, a sense of energy, and higher awareness. Val had a spontaneous kundalini awakening, aka the holy spirit running through her in 2010 by attending an Abdy Electriciteh Session, and ever since that day, her life has been intensely divinely magical. She's experienced what some call enlightenment and was activated into this timeless gift of which she becomes a conduit to Source energy. Val has also been experiencing her work evolving into higher levels of consciousness as she finds herself working with divine multidimensional beings. Her capacity to understand and mental downloads of universal truths is through her transcendence. She has experienced profound clarity through her energetic activation and tapping into Source through visions and sound. In 2016, Valeria experienced the "Sacred Tremor of the Heart," also known as "Spanda." It happened spontaneously to her and is another form of awakening rarely experienced by high beings. It is becoming less rare spontaneously initiated into Heiros Gamos by an angelic realm. Through all of this and more, she has integrated Divine Mother/Divine Feminine Energy within her to share with others.


Valeria has been doing private and group sessions since 2014. She leads workshops in Tokyo for a top Spiritual Company in Japan. She attends two times a year in Tokyo. Valeria will be leading group blessing sessions throughout the world and has been at the Menla Center in Phoenecia, NY, for her 5th annual year. She has led group sessions at the Sedona Creative Life Center, ABC Sanctuary in NYC, Bagua Center Miami, Om Fest in PA, just to name a few. 


"Her mission is to bring the crystalline sound codes of new Creation to the Earth, which is the Seventh Golden Age. Born in the USA to join her mission to the Voice of the Command, to embody the highest Love and transmit information unto the world vibrationally and act upon Reality rather than reacting to it, thus creating a new World. Light of the Eternal Truth shines brightly into her heart and mind." -Soul Channeling from Jhadten Jewall.


Val has events to create community and share her spiritual gifts, including 2 hr Sessions, Overnight Dreamtime Sessions, Private Sessions, Workshops, Parties, Retreats, and Online Sessions. 


Valeria Tignini is an international healer, activator, and public speaker who works with people of all ages, genders, races,  religions, and social classes to heal, feel deeper peace, Love, and awaken people to pure potentiality.

Val resides in New Jersey with her partner, children of four, and their dog.



Please Contact if you would like to host her in your local area.

Energy Flow
Heart Chakra Revealed
Levitation with Abdy
White Light From Hands
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