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"Surrender" will be just what you need now if you are feeling stuck, complacent, and indecisive. "Surrender" is for that someone who is going through an important phase in their life and the uncertainties are stressing you and giving you anxiety, pain, and possibly depression. "Surrender" is for one that needs that push but doesn't want to do it alone. "Surrender" is for you, that someone that needs to change certain patterns that keep you repeating the same lessons over and over again. Through "Surrender" Valeria Tignini uses Source Energy to connect you to your Soul and allows for deep healing, mental clarity and work that will blow you away... TOGETHER. This workshop is ultimately to enhance your inner peace so that it may bring a life that you truly desire. Now is the time to Jump!  Surrender.

(Please dress comfortably and it's optional to bring a blanket or yoga mat as it's already provided. Bring a Water Bottle. If you have problems sitting on the floor, bring a chair for yourself.)

This workshop will include source energy transmissions and practices.

Consider it an energetic upgrade by tapping into your higher self and releasing what is keeping you where you are.

One may experience; Physical Healing, Mental Healing, Releasing of patters and blocks, Heart Opening, Pain-body releases, Inner peace, Communications from divine beings, Recalibration to higher frequency, Upgrade in DNA, Experience the Angelic Realm (5D) and Higher.. 

What the Workshop will include: (not in any order) 

Source Energy Sessions
Experience: Purification + Initiation + Mind, Body, Soul Connection

Q&A, Group Exercises
Experience: Group Trust + Self Exploration + Connection to Earth & the Cosmos.

Self Healing Intention
Experience: Mind Blocks Release + Mental Transformation

ANGELA MIELE will be performing at the Sedona workshop and assiting Val with her  energetic sound waves that come through her work.

Guest Sound Healer at Sedona Workshop 

A Celebration of Light, soul activation


Join Angela, in a  journey into the heart, where you experience the divinity that dwells within you.  Come, travel with her as the vibrations of the drum, crystal singing bowls and voice toning,carry you off into a blissful state of harmonic resonance with your Divine Soul and Source. Experience the divine feminine energy and float into unity consciousness.

Angela travels the country offering energy and sound healing. Her purpose is to guide people in an experience of divine love within themselves, remembering who you truly are. It is in this space where all things can healed and discovered. She offers private energy and sound healing sessions and group soul activation sessions, available for in home, studio, workshop, or retreat. She has a sound journey cd "Soul Remembrance" available (details on website).  Angela also creates healing jewelry which will aid you on your life’s journey. She believes that healing is the act of remembering your light.  Visit her website at



"What a serendipitous experience right from the start! Meeting friends that would become my soul family was just the beginning, and I had no idea what I was in for. I arrived to Val's workshop at a very low time in my life. I was worn out , utterly exhausted from life. I had just been given terrible news from an MRI scan of the brain, which showed a brain tumor near my ear. An Acoustic Neuroma is particularly dangerous as it is between some important nerves that govern hearing, seeing, breathing, movement. Being 36 years young with 2 toddlers to care for I knew this could not be the end for me. After receiving the news my husband gave me the day to myself and I was drawn to Val's workshop. She has such a beautiful loving presence that emanates truth with grace. I had an extraordinary encounter with God where I felt white light pouring into my head straight from above for about 20 minutes, and electricity going through my whole body. I am familiar with Christ energy and knew immediately that this was the real thing. Val then kissed my head and I had a sense of peace overtake me and I knew all would be alright. A week later I insisted on another MRI before meeting with the surgeon. It showed the tumor was no longer there, to the surprise of the radiologists and doctors!! A true miracle. And our biggest miracle was also conceived on this night- we are now expecting a baby boy." - Alissa Eason Vasquez 

Can you surrender?

Featured Testimonial

"The magic is inside of you and you're just remembering who you are" - Valeria Tignini

Scroll down

for Registraion + Testimonials

NYC 1 Day Workshop

March 6th, Sunday 

The workshop will be from 10am to 5pm on

at 115 Wooster Street,

Manhattan NYC

(2nd Floor- follow the signs)

Please Register and Click Here to Be Considered an Attendee.

$150 energy exchange cash at the door
or purchase tickets by sending money to at with "friends/family" option.


RSVP on FACEBOOK/ See who's going!

SEDONA 2 Day Workshop

April 16th, Saturday

April 17th, Sunday

The workshop will be from 10am to 3pm  each day

at 333 Schnebly Hill Road,

`Sedona, Arizona 


Please Register and Click Here to Be Considered an Attendee.

$250 energy by registration


RSVP on FACEBOOK/ See who's going!

A Photo with these great people

who attended "Clearing Your Path" Workshop in NYC

Clearing Your Path



At the clearing the path workshop with my soul sister Val, I experienced deep healing and love. There is a deep presence that occurs at any of Val's workshops. In this one in particular deep childhood wounds were healed for not only me but for all in the workshop as well. It was healing on a personal level and on a community level. Val doesnt just heal at the surface level, she holds space for healing at the core of it. I don't go to many people for advice or guidance or healing but Val is one of my trusted few and I always leave stronger, more connected, and more clear. I highly recommend experiencing Val's work, it goes beyond words.

- Christine G, Psycho Therapist

"My journey with Val started before her workshop held in SoHo. It started in this little Pennsylvania town on a main stage field. I was working the ticket booth and this angel walked in with her daughter and as I put the wrist band on her, I knew, something was different about her, but I shrugged it off and continue on. I took a break and walked over to the main stage. What I saw intrigued me, so I stood and watched. That day I stood in the middle of this field and saw this angel, literally walking around connecting with people. One woman came to me and said,"are you as scared as I am" and I said, "yep" but my angels knew what I needed. After that day, I signed up for Val's Clearing Your Space Workshop, because I knew my angels were guiding me to a place where "I" as I knew myself, would never return. Val's workshops are not your typical "workshop" where you even have time to get bored, your engaged from the moment you enter the room. The work being done is on a cellular level, your DNA shifts without you even know it and you see yourself from the inside out, instead of looking in a mirror, you are the mirror. I connected to my divine on a level beyond the normal thinking conceptions we've been taught by society and/or our families. I entered one person, and left another. More awake and more alive than I have ever been in my entire life. I would highly recommend any of Val's workshops to take it to that next level. We were not meant to live on this earth without seeing. Open your eyes and your heart. You owe it to your soul."


- Donna L. Werge

I went to "Clearing Your Path" with absolutely no expectations and shortly after realized I was destined to be there by soul contract. At first I thought I was surrounded by complete strangers but moments later I learned that everybody there were members of my soul family. I've never experienced such a sense of oneness and unity with a group of human beings. It gave me a new hope. My life hasn't been the same ever since. I discovered aspects about myself that I never imagined I possess. I felt connected... I found love

- Alejandro C, Film Maker

I'm not normally at a loss for words. I left this workshop in a state of....shock? As someone who rides the wave of spiritual evolution and is always trying to push the envelope of my potential, I am always seeking these jolts to my intelligence, my belief structures. My mind was blown open...even further than I'd already believed possible. Yesterday was....REVOLUTIONARY and only possible because Valeria is one of those few, rare conduits that can step aside and completely trust what Spirit will deliver in the moment. Yesterday revealed the deepest of secrets: that we are most beautiful, safe, lovable, and empowered when we reveal our vulnerability. It also validated something I've long suspected: We need one another. Our own spiritual inquiry can only take us so far. We need one another because we are one another.

- Fatima Mariano

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True Love

ValSecrets is based in New Jersey


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